Since we launched The Clay Factory we have been committed to providing opportunities for our local community and we’re extremely pleased to announce that we’re partnering with Cinema For All as a partner providing cinema equipment to individuals or groups wishing to put on events across Devon and Cornwall.
Cinema For All is the national support and development organisation for community-led cinema: community cinemas, film clubs and societies. Since 1946 they have been helping communities across the country to develop and sustain the type of film screenings they want.
From 24th of March 2018, a full kit of cinema screening equipment will be available to hire from The Clay Factory, meaning that we can provide community cinema events to some of the hardest to reach communities in the South West. Hires will start from just £25 per use.
To celebrate this we are hosting a special launch screening of The Florida Project, entrance is free.
There will be drinks and nibbles on sale from RedPod Food and you’ll also be able to find out more about the innovative scheme. This is a ticket only event so make sure you book your tickets via Eventbrite.
To find out more visit either: